AdBlocker for iPad is a content blocker for iOS and Safari.
AdBlocker helps you browse web without ads, user tracking scripts and popups. The loading time of average web page is reduced on 30%. Data usage is reduced on 40%. Many filters are selected to make your browsing faster and safer.
○ improves speed of page loading, data usage and battery life of your device,
○ has more then 30000 filters for blocking ads,
○ simply prevents the loading of unneeded content such as adverts, popups, tracking scripts,
○ your browsing becomes safe and easy,
○ customise your filter for browsing,
AdBlocker installs directly into Safari. Enjoy browsing now,
Note! To install content blockers perform next steps:
1. Open iOS Settings, then go to Safari.
2. Go to Content Blockers.
3. Enable AdBlocker.
4. Open application and press "Start AdBlocker".